Bodytude - Salon Booking Software

The Do’s and Don’ts of Returning to Your Salon

Last Updated February 21, 2024
4 Mins Read
guidelines for salon re entry

The Do’s and Don’ts of Returning to Your Salon

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As the world gradually eases restrictions and businesses reopen, many of us are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to return to our favorite salons. However, it is crucial to approach this transition with caution and adhere to the necessary guidelines in order to prioritize the health and safety of both clients and salon staff.

In this article, we will discuss the do's and don'ts of returning to your salon, providing vital information to help you navigate this new landscape. From making appointments in advance to understanding any modifications in services, we will cover all the key aspects to consider.

Moreover, we will delve into the importance of self-care and hydration during your salon visit, as well as the significance of showing appreciation through generous tipping. By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to creating a safe and enjoyable salon experience for everyone involved.

Making an Appointment

To ensure a smooth and efficient salon experience, it is highly recommended to make an appointment in advance. Due to safety precautions, salons are limiting the number of clients allowed inside at a time. Appointments may fill up quickly, so booking in advance is essential to secure your spot and receive the services you want.

Many salons now offer online booking options for convenience. This allows you to easily check appointment availability and select a time that works best for you. By scheduling in advance, you can avoid long wait times or the risk of being turned away.

Making an appointment ensures that you have a guaranteed slot and can enjoy your salon visit without any hassle.

Arrival Time

It is advised to arrive right on time for your salon appointment to maintain social distancing measures. By doing so, you can help minimize wait times and ensure a smooth and efficient experience.

It is important to be mindful of waiting area etiquette and avoid crowding to reduce the risk of exposure. If you happen to arrive early, consider waiting in your car or outside until called in.

Additionally, be prepared to bring your own reading materials as communal magazines may not be available.

Wearing a Mask

Wearing a mask is a crucial safety measure that both clients and stylists must adhere to during salon appointments. Here are some important tips and tricks to keep in mind when it comes to wearing a mask:

  • Benefits of mask wearing: Wearing a mask provides a barrier of protection for both you and your stylist. It helps to prevent the spread of germs and ensures a safe environment.
  • Proper fit: Make sure your mask fits snugly over your nose and mouth without gaps. This will ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Breathability: Look for masks made from breathable materials that allow for comfortable airflow while still providing adequate protection.
  • Handling and disposal: Always handle your mask by the ear loops or ties to avoid contamination. Dispose of disposable masks properly after use.

Changes in Services

Salons have made modifications to their service menus to prioritize safety during the pandemic. Some services, such as blowouts, may not be offered due to the close proximity and the blowing of air. However, if desired, you can find guides for at-home blowouts as an alternative.

These changes in services are implemented to minimize the risk of exposure and maintain salon sanitation. It is important to check with your salon beforehand to understand any modifications in the services offered. By doing so, you can ensure that you are aware of the available options and make an informed decision.

Salons are taking these precautions to provide a safe environment for their clients while still offering a range of services.

Self-care and Hydration

To ensure a well-rounded salon experience, it is important to prioritize self-care and hydration during your visit. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself while at the salon:

  • Bring your own beverage: Salon-provided drinks may not be available, so it's a good idea to bring your own water or other hydrating beverage.
  • At-home treatments for self-care: If you're feeling unwell, it's important to prioritize self-care. Take the opportunity to indulge in at-home treatments and give yourself some much-needed relaxation and downtime.
  • Avoid over-hydrating: Keep in mind that salon bathrooms may not be accessible, so be mindful of your hydration levels and avoid over-drinking.
  • Reschedule if necessary: If you're feeling under the weather, it's best to reschedule your appointment. This will ensure a pleasant experience for both you and your stylist.

Generous Tipping

When it comes to showing appreciation for the skills and services provided by your stylist, generous tipping is a thoughtful way to support them during these uncertain times. Tipping etiquette has always been an important aspect of salon visits, but now more than ever, it is crucial to recognize the challenges faced by stylists returning to work.

While there are no set rules for gratuity, it is recommended to tip more than you normally would. A generous tip not only reflects your gratitude but also helps stylists make up for the months they went without income. As a guideline, consider tipping 20% or more of the total service cost. However, it is ultimately up to you to determine the amount based on the quality of service provided.

Safety Measures

In order to prioritize the safety of both clients and stylists, various safety measures have been implemented at salons. These measures include:

  • Salon capacity: Salons are limiting the number of clients allowed inside at a time to ensure social distancing can be maintained. It is recommended to make an appointment in advance to secure your spot and avoid overcrowding.
  • Sanitization protocols: Salons have enhanced their sanitization protocols to ensure a clean and safe environment. This includes frequent disinfection of high-touch surfaces, tools, and equipment. Stylists are also required to sanitize their hands and tools between clients.
  • Mask requirements: Both clients and stylists are required to wear masks during appointments to provide a barrier of protection. This helps to prevent the spread of germs and ensures a safer environment for everyone.
  • Modified services: Some services, such as blowouts, may not be offered due to the close proximity involved. Salons may have modified their service menu to prioritize safety. It is advisable to check with your salon beforehand to understand any changes in the services offered.